FOUNDER @ Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Topic: After exiting government education, is exiting the current vaccine system the next step? A Christian Analysis
Mark Zumhagen, MD, graduated from Rockford College with a B.A degree in mathematics in 1980. He then attended the University of Illinois School of Medicine at Peoria, where he graduated in 1985. He then completed his internship at McNeal Hospital Family Practice.
His Story
He soon after started working at Homefirst Health Services, a Chicago-based physician home practice, until 2010. In 2009, Dr. Zumhagen founded Fearfully & Wonderfully Made, a holistic and nutritionally based center in Orland Park, IL, where he currently practices.
Dr. Zumhagne and his wife Virginia have nine children and 24 grandchildren. When he is not working, you can find Dr. Zumhangen spending time with his family, playing piano or trombone with some local groups, reading his Bible or a history book, or re-enacting our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln. ​​​​​​​​​